What Is A Home Septic Inspection?

Does your new property have a septic system? Don’t know what a septic system requires?

Hearth & Home’s Septic Inspections are the same inspections recommended by the state of Oklahoma and can provide you with information regarding the current condition of your system and what maintenance will be required going forward. Our inspectors are knowledgeable and experienced with all types of septic systems and will help you navigate what it means to live with a septic system on your property. Add a Septic Inspection to your General Home Inspection to save money and know your entire home before you own your home.

Feature 1

Whether your property has a lateral line or aerobic system, our inspectors have experience with all types of septic systems and will provide you the information you need to maintain yours.

Feature 2

Our inspectors will perform a visual inspection of all components of your system, including tanks, pumps, pipes and connections.

Feature 3

Our inspectors will perform a probe inspection of the lateral fields, sewer line connections and leach lines associated with your septic system.

Feature 4

Your inspection report will contain notice of any ponding, evidence of surfacing, leakage or improper drainage found when inspecting your septic system and explain what is necessary to maintain your system in your inspection review.

Book Your Septic Inspection Through MyRhino!

Not looking for a septic inspection? View our other services here.